Army Tuition Assistance


Tuition Assistance Overview/Eligibility


The Tuition Assistance (TA) program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a Soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. TA is available for courses that are offered in the classroom or by distance learning and is part of an approved academic degree or certificate program. The courses must be offered by schools that are registered in ArmyIgnitED, are accredited by accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and are signatories to the current Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding (DOD MOU).

For academic programs, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree, TA may not be used for a lower or lateral degree program from the one the Soldier currently possesses. In addition to degree programs, TA is available to Soldiers to complete a high school diploma and to complete certificate programs. TA is not authorized for programs of study beyond a master’s degree.

All military and persons who wish to use Tuition Assistance (TA) must first receive approval from a local base Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within the Military Service prior to enrolling. All eligible Soldiers will request TA through ArmyIgnitED.

By law, officers who use TA incurs a service obligation. Active Duty officers incur an Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) of two years, and Reserve Component officers incur a Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO) of four years. The ADSO/RDSO is calculated from the date of completion of the last course for which TA was used.

Non-Army Service members must obtain TA through their branch of Service. This policy has been mutually agreed upon by all Services.

Further details on the provisions of TA are found in AR 621-202 and policy documents signed by the Director, Army Continuing Education System.


Tuition Assistance Rates/Fees


The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform per semester hour cap of $250 for tuition assistance (TA) and an annual ceiling of $4,500. The Services are authorized to establish Service-specific eligibility criteria to manage TA funds. The Army will pay 100 percent of tuition costs up to the DoD semester hour cap of $250 per semester hour cap for up to 16 semester hours of TA-funded courses per fiscal year. School fee charges of any type are no longer eligible for funding with TA.

Current Army policy limits TA to 130 semester hours of undergraduate credit or baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first and 39 semester hours of graduate credit or master’s degree whichever comes first. The 39 semester hour limit applies to all credits taken after completion of a baccalaureate degree.

New Students Create ArmyIgnitED Account

All TA for Active Duty, USAR, and ARNG Soldiers must be requested through ArmyIgnitED.


Tuition Assistance Procedures


  1. Register for classes at your education institution (EI)
  2. Create an ArmyIgnitED user account.
  3. Submit your Education Path for approval. Click here for a guide
  4. Request TA via ArmyIgnitED
  5.  The student should upload their evaluated degree plan. You can download a PDF copy of your degree plan by visiting your DegreeWorks. For assistance with student degree plans, please contact: .
  6. Know your Academic Institution (AI) payment deadlines
  7. Request either an AI payment plan if necessary or AI payment extension/exception if qualified
  8. Submit approved TA classes in ArmyIgnitED for processing before AI payment deadline
  9. Pay all other balances not covered by TA to the EI before payment deadline 

Click here for a student overview how to guide for using ArmyIgnitED.


Please note this important information regarding using TA:

  • TA covers tuition only. TA will not cover fees and other charges. Students must pay fees and other charges (room, board, etc.) prior to posted payment deadlines.
  • Students who fail to request their approved TA and pay outstanding balances will be dropped for non-payment.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they have not exceeded their maximum allowable annual credit or tuition cap for TA and that classes they are using TA for are TA-eligible courses.
  • If your Tuition Assistance is rejected by ArmyIgnitED the balance remains a student debt. You will be responsible for paying tuition balances that are rejected.
  • FTA requests must be submitted NO LATER THAN five (5) business days before the class start date per the guidance from ArmyIgnitED.


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