How to Add a Course from the Requirements Sidebar

By default, the Still Needed sidebar is displayed on the plan. Use the < or > to change the sidebar menu.
  1. Click the left navigation icon (<)to move to the Requirements sidebar menu.
    Screenshot of sidebar navigation left arrow
  2. Click the “+” icon on the Course requirement.
    Screenshot of course plus icon
  3. Click in the “Term” field and select the term to add the course requirement to.
    Screenshot of term list

    When typing the course subject and number in the “Course” field, you must wait until the course is found before in the pop up menu before adding the next choice.
  4. Click in the “Course requirement *” field and type the course subject and number.
    Screenshot of course requirement
  5. Select the course from the pop up menu.
    Screenshot of course pop up menu

    The Delivery field is used to designate if a course is taught online or face to face. This is used for projection reporting.

    Transfer is used to designate that an equivalent course is being taken at another institution and will transfer to ECU. Transfer delivery is EXCLUDED from projection reports.

    The Delivery field can also be used to designate what part of term the course will be delivered in.

  6. Click in the “Delivery” field and select the delivery method or the part of term.
    Screenshot of delivery pop up list
  7. Click the “SAVE” button
    Screenshot of save button
  8. Delivery is displayed on the course in the plan.
    Screenshot of delivery display on plan
Plans are automatically saved. Do not click the “Save a Copy” link or you will create multiple plans.