How to Add a GPA from the Requirements Sidebar

By default, the Still Needed sidebar is displayed on the plan. Use the < or > to change the sidebar menu.
  1. Click the left navigation icon (<) to move to the Requirements sidebar menu.
    Screenshot of still needed left navigation arrow
  2. Click the “+” on the GPA requirement.
    Screenshot of GPA Requirement
  3. Click the “Term” field and select the term from the drop down menu.
    Screenshot of term drop down menu

    There are three different types of GPA requirements:

    1. Major GPA
    2. Overall GPA – Student (Banner) System
    3. Class List GPA

Adding a Major GPA Requirement.

  1. Click in the “GPA type” field and select the Major GPA requirement.
    Screenshot of GPA Type menu
  2. Select the major from the “Major” drop down menu.
    Screenshot of major drop down menu
  3. Enter the GPA requirement in the “Minimum GPA” field.
    Screenshot of Minimum GPA field
  4. Click the “SAVE” button.
    Screenshot of save button
  5. Major GPA
    Screenshot of major GPA

Adding a Overall GPA – Student System (Banner) requirement.

  1. Click the “+” on the GPA requirement.
    Screenshot of GPA Requirement plus icon
  2. Click the “Term” field and select the term from the drop down menu.
    Screenshot of term selection
  3. Click in the “GPA type” field and select “Overall GPA – Student System”.
    Screenshot of Overall GPA type
  4. Enter the GPA in the “Minimum GPA” field.
    Screenshot of Minimum GPA
  5. Click the “SAVE” button
    Screenshot of save button
  6. Overall GPA-Student System GPA
    Screenshot of Overall GPA - Student System

Adding a Class List GPA requirement

  1. Click the “+” on the GPA requirement.
    Screenshot of GPA Requirement plus icon

    When adding a Class List GPA, a group of classes in which the student needs to have earned a minimum GPA can be defined.
  2. Select the “Class List GPA” from the “GPA type” menu.
    Screenshot of Class List GPA
  3. Click the “Term” field and select the term from the menu.
    Screenshot of term selection
  4. Enter the GPA in the “Minimum GPA” field.
    Screenshot of Minimum GPA field

    Each class should be separated by a plus sign, and ranges and wildcards can be included in the list. Classes are validated, but ranges and wildcards are not.
  5. Enter the list of classes separated with a “+” in the “Class list *” field.
    Screenshot of class list field
  6. Click the “SAVE” button.
    Screenshot of save button
  7. Class List GPA
    Screenshot of class list GPA
Plans are automatically saved. Do not click the “Save a Copy” link or you will create multiple plans.