How to Add Multiple Courses to a Term

  1. Click the “Add Requirements” button on the term.
    Screenshot of add requirement button
  2. Click the “Courses” link.
    Screenshot of courses link
  3. Select a subject from the “Subjects” list to limit the classes displayed.
    Screenshot of subjects selection list
  4. Use the navigation icons to search for a particular course number.
    Screenshot of course navigation icons
  5. Click the checkbox next to the courses you want to add to the term.
    Screenshot of course selection checkbox
  6. The courses that were selected will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, to the left of the “ADD TO PLAN” button. Click the X on the course to remove it from the selection list.
    Screenshot of removing course from selection list
  7. Click the “ADD TO PLAN” button.
    Screenshot of add to plan button
  8. The multiple courses are added to the student’s plan.
    Screenshot of multiple courses added to plan
Plans are automatically saved. Do not click the “Save a Copy” link or you will create multiple plans.