How to Add Requirements from a Secondary Worksheet

Students with multiple curriculums that have different degree types (BA and BS, BS and CERT, BA and CERT, etc.) will have more than one Degree Works worksheet.
  1. Students with multiple curriculums/worksheets should have only one plan.
    Screenshot of multiple curriculums
  2. By default, the plan will display the requirements from the primary curriculum /worksheet.
    Screenshot of still needed for primary curriculum
  3. To view/add requirements for a secondary curriculum/worksheet, click the Edit icon on the Plan information block.
    Screenshot of edit icon
  4. Select the secondary curriculum from the Degree drop down menu
    Screenshot of degree menu
  5. Click the “SAVE” button.
    Screenshot of save button
  6. The secondary curriculum requirements are now displayed and can be added to the plan.
    Screenshot of still needed, secondary curriculum