Final Grade Reporting

All grades must be submitted electronically via Faculty Grade Entry by the date identified on the Academic Calendar.  Any grades that are not entered in Faculty Grade Entry at that time, will receive a grade of “NR”.  Please see Faculty Senate Resolution #08-58 if you have any questions about NR grades.

The following instructions are provided to you, to aid you in completing your grade submission online.


  1. Go to Pirate Port
  2. Log in, using your ECU email and password.
  3. Click on the Faculty & Advisor Self-Service card in Pirate Port.
  4. At the Faculty and Advisor main menu, select Faculty Grade Entry.
  5. Click on the course you would like to enter grades for. Your class lists will be displayed in the bottom half of the screen.
  6. Enter the grade for each student.  Save frequently.  For Grade of F, Last Attend date is REQUIRED.
  7. If you have a large roster, that will take longer than 30 minutes to submit, please click the save button periodically, as Faculty Self Service times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can click save multiple times on the same course roster, even if not all grades have been entered.
  8. After you have entered the grades, this course roster will not “disappear” from your list, until grades are rolled to academic history (grades will be rolled to academic history daily at 8 a.m., and at more frequent intervals as the grade entry deadline approaches). If you have any grade changes that need to be made, you may go back into Faculty Grade Entry and make those changes prior to the roll to academic history. Once grades have been rolled, and are not available for entry, you must submit a change of grade/removal of incomplete via the Change of Grade link in Faculty & Advisor Self Service.
  9. All grades are due by the date identified on the Academic Calendar. The process that assigns a grade of NR for missing grades, updates academic standing, and that calculates GPA, will begin at that time.

Attention faculty teaching a thesis or dissertation course:  Letter grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) will be assigned at the end of each semester by the professor of record, as approved by the Graduate Administrative Board April 26, 2010.  You must enter a grade for these students, or a grade of NR will be assigned for you.

Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete

If you need to change a grade after grades have rolled to academic history, you must submit an official change of grade via Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.


Prior to grades rolling to history, you can change a grade via Faculty Grade Entry in Faculty & Advisor Self-Service. Once the “Rolled” column is marked completed you must submit a change of grade.

Grade changes made after grades have rolled to academic history are not reflected on the course roster in Self Service; grade changes are reflected on the individual student’s academic record.