Graduation depends on passing your current courses. | You are cleared for graduation as long as you pass (successfully complete) the courses in which you are currently enrolled. |
Department requested Graduation date be moved. | Your department or advisor contacted Graduation Services in the Office of the Registrar asking us to delay your graduation. Your graduation application has been moved to the requested term. If you have questions, please email your Academic Advisor. |
Student requested Graduation date be moved. | You contacted Graduation Services in the Office of the Registrar asking for your graduation to be delayed. Your graduation application was moved to the next appropriate term. |
Did not meet the requirements for Graduation. | We reviewed your academic record, and you did not complete all requirements for Graduation. Your Graduation Application has been moved to the next graduation term. For questions, please email your Academic Advisor. |
Graduation application removed. | Your Graduation application has been on file for at least one academic year without you being enrolled. Therefore, your application has been deleted. Once you return to the university, you will need to reapply for Graduation. |
Requirements missing for Graduation | You have not completed all requirements for Graduation for the current term. Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information. |
Graduated. | Congratulations! You have completed the requirements for graduation, and you have been graduated. |
Missing transcripts; Graduation pending | Your Graduation is on hold due to missing official transcript(s) from other institutions. Please send official transcripts to |
Missing CLEP Scores; Graduation pending | Your Graduation is on hold due to missing official CLEP exam scores. Please submit official score transcript(s) to |
Pending Credit by Exam; Graduation pending | Graduation Services has been advised you are using “Credit by Exam” to complete your degree. Once your exam score is submitted to the Office of the Registrar, your Graduation requirements will be reviewed again. |
Incomplete grade; Graduation pending | You have a grade of “I” (Incomplete) on your academic record. You cannot graduate until the Incomplete is resolved. Contact your Academic Advisor for more information. |
Problem with Major GPA; Graduation pending | Undergraduate students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the major courses to graduate. Graduate students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major courses to graduate. You will need to improve your GPA to be able to graduate. For help, email your Academic Advisor. |
Problem with overall GPA; Graduation pending | Undergraduate students must have a minimum 2.0 overall GPA to be eligible for graduation. Graduate students must have a minimum 3.0 overall GPA to be eligible for graduation. You must improve your overall GPA above the minimum required to graduate. |
Senior College Credit Missing; Graduation pending | 50% of your degree must be completed through a regionally accredited four-year college or university. You are cleared for graduation as long as you pass (successfully complete) the courses in which you are currently enrolled. |
Placement Credits; Graduation pending | Graduation Services has been notified you are seeking placement credit for some of your degree requirements. Your Graduation application will be reviewed again once the placement credit has been added. |
Pending Grade Change; Graduation pending | Graduation Services has been notified you are seeking a grade change in one of your courses. Once your instructor submits a grade change, your Graduation application will be reviewed again. |
UNC Exchange Course; Graduation pending | You are currently enrolled in a UNC Exchange Course(s). You must complete the course (s) with a “C” or higher. Once you complete the course, you should be able to graduate. |
Hold preventing Graduation | You have a hold on your record that prevents completion of your Graduation application. For more information, please email your Academic Advisor. |
Dual Degree Status; Graduation pending | You have been reviewed to earn dual degrees. You are cleared for graduation as long as you pass (successfully complete) the courses in which you are currently enrolled. You will be awarded two diplomas. For more information, view the Undergraduate Catalog: |
Science Lab Verification; Graduation pending | You are currently enrolled in a General Education science Lab course. Once you pass the course, this requirement will be marked complete. |
RN License on File | The College of Nursing has provided our offices with your RN License; therefore, you do not need to complete HLTH 1000/KINE 1000. No action is needed at this time. Contact your Academic Advisor with any questions. |
Earning Double Major instead of Dual Degree | You do not meet the requirements for dual degrees; however, you are able to complete a double major. With a double major, you will not receive two diplomas, but one diploma displaying your primary and secondary major. For more information, view the Undergraduate Catalog: |
Required Art Show; Graduation pending | You will be graduated once you pass any course(s) you are currently enrolled in and complete required Art Show. For more information, please contact your Academic Advisor. |
Required Recital(s); Graduation pending | You will be graduated once you pass any course(s) you are currently enrolled in and complete required Recital(s). For more information, please contact your Academic Advisor. |
Moved to next graduation term (enrolled in future term). | You are currently enrolled in a future term, but you have not been admitted to a different/new program. Therefore, your graduation application has been moved to the next term. If you have any questions, please contact your Academic Advisor. |
500 hours work experience; Graduation pending | You will be graduated once you pass the course(s) you are currently enrolled in and complete the required 500 hours work experience. For more information, please contact your Academic Advisor. |
Complete and ready to graduate at end of term. | Any remaining requirements (such as an Incomplete) on your record have been completed or cleared. You will be graduated at the end of the term. |
Foreign Language Competency; Graduation pending | You will be graduated once you pass any course(s) you are currently enrolled in and complete the required Foreign Language Competency. For more information, please contact your Academic Advisor. |