Social Security Number Request FAQs

Per state, federal, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines, beginning in 2013, East Carolina University (ECU) will request that all students provide their Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for reporting purposes.

For information regarding Social Security number changes, please visit the local Social Security Administration office or Social Security Online.

Why is my SSN/ITIN being requested?

Per state, federal, and Internal Revenue Service guidelines, East Carolina University is required to verify Social Security Numbers (SSN) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) annually for accurate tax reporting on 1098-T forms. Having an accurate SSN/ITIN on tax forms supports the tax deduction that a student or family may claim for qualified educational expenses on both federal and state income tax returns. Failure to provide ECU with an SSN/ITIN may result in the student being fined by the IRS in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 6723 ( subchapB-partII-sec6723.pdf).

For additional information regarding how you may obtain your 1098-T information from ECU each year visit

How do I verify my SSN/ITIN?

When student’s login to Pirate Port, they will see a popup message requesting them to verify their SSN/ITIN. Once a student has typed in their SSN/ITIN, they will receive a confirmation that the SSN/ITIN matches ECU’s records. If the student’s SSN/ITIN does not match ECU’s records, the student will be alerted and an email will be sent to the student’s ECU email address.

Can I verify or update my SSN/ITIN information using another method?

To make the verification process simple for students, ECU is requesting that all students use the Pirate Port online pop up tool to verify their SSN/ITIN information.

If you are unable to complete the verification online, please present all the documents below to the Registrar’s Office at 207 East 5th Street or fax copies to (252) 328-4232. · Completed W-9S form ( and

  • SSN card, or ITIN card, or ITIN authorization letter and
  • Photo Identification

Please note: SSN information MUST NOT be emailed.

What do I do if my SSN/ITIN does not match ECU’s records?

Please bring a completed IRS W-9S form (, and your SSN card, ITIN card or ITIN authorization letter, and your photo identification to the Registrar’s Office at 207 East 5th Street so your SSN can be updated in our records. If you are unable to visit the Registrar’s Office in person, you may also fax copies of this documentation to (252) 328-4232.

Please note: SSN information MUST NOT be emailed.

How do I decline to provide my SSN/ITIN and what happens if I do not provide my SSN/ITIN?

Students can decline to provide their SSN/ITIN through Pirate Port and will be required to electronically submit an acknowledgement statement.

Failure to provide ECU with an SSN/ITIN may result in the student being fined by the IRS in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 6723 ( title26/pdf/USCODE-2009-title26-subtitleF-chap68-subchapB-partII-sec6723.pdf).

Students who select this option and later decide that they would like to verify their SSN/ITIN information can do so in person at the Registrar’s Office. Please refer to the verification instructions listed under “Can I verify or update my SSN/ITIN information using another method?”

I am not required to have an SSN/ITIN. What do I need to do?

Students who are not required to have an SSN/ITIN can select this option through Pirate Port and will be required to submit an acknowledgement statement.

Is the Pirate Port website secure? I do not feel comfortable verifying my SSN/ITIN information online.

Yes, your connection to Pirate is encrypted with 128-bit encryption and all Pirate Port communication is encrypted using SSL technology. All popular browsers will verify the communication is encrypted by showing a lock icon within the browser, typically located in the address bar.

The pop-up message is not showing when I log into Pirate Port. What should I do?

If you are unable to verify using the Pirate Port popup, or if the popup does not appear, please refer to the verification instructions listed under “Can I verify or update my SSN/ITIN information using another method?”

Does ECU fine students for not providing an SSN/ITIN?

ECU does not fine students if they do not provide an SSN/ITIN; however, the IRS may fine students who have not provided ECU with an SSN/ITIN, in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 6723 ( subchapB-partII-sec6723.pdf).

How often will I be asked to verify my SSN/ITIN?
ECU will request that students verify their SSN/ITIN annually.

Who will my SSN/ITIN be shared with?
As required by Internal Revenue Code Section 6723 (, your SSN/ITIN will be shared with the IRS for 1098-T reporting.

Who is sending the notification emails?
Some of the emails we send are processed systematically on behalf of the Cashier’s Office, so you may receive emails from You may also receive emails from or directly from the Cashier’s Office staff regarding the request for SSN/ITIN information. Although the Cashier’s Office may communicate with students and parents regarding this process by email, we will not request for you to send or update your SSN/ITIN information by email.

Who do I contact with questions regarding ECU’s request for SSNs/ITINs?
Please contact the Cashier’s Office at or (252) 737-6886. You may also visit the Cashier’s Office at G120 Old Cafeteria Complex.