Good Standing, Warning, Probation, and Suspension FAQs
What GPA do I need to have to be in Good Academic Standing at ECU?
All undergraduate students are required to earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA to be in Good Academic Standing.
What if my GPA falls below a 2.0?
If your cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0, you are placed on academic warning. If, during the semester on warning, your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you are placed on probation. If, during the semester you are on probation, your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you will be suspended from the university for one semester.
First Semester <2.0 GPA – Warning
Second Semester <2.0 GPA – Probation
Third Semester <2.0 GPA – Suspension (for 1 semester)
What if I fail all my courses during my first semester (as a freshmen or transfer student) at ECU?
If you are enrolled in 12+ attempted credit hours during your first semester (fall or spring) of attendance at ECU and fail all your courses (including “I” incomplete grades), you will be academically suspended for one semester.
If I am on academic probation at ECU and do not earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA during my probationary semester, will I be suspended?
Yes and no, depending on your term GPA: If you earn a at least a 2.5 term GPA during the semester you are on probation, you will be allowed to continue attending ECU and will not be required to serve a suspension. The 2.5 term GPA rule includes fall, spring and summer terms.
If I am suspended from ECU, when will I be able to return to ECU?
If you are suspended from ECU, you must serve a one semester dismissal. You must reapply through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and complete a readmission application. Please refer to the Applying for Readmission webpage for specific dates that this must be completed.
If my spring term grades result in a suspension, may I attend summer school to avoid suspension. If so, what grades would I need to earn in summer school to be eligible to return to ECU for the fall semester?
If you are suspended after spring semester, you may attend summer school. To avoid your suspension. To establish eligibility to continue attending ECU in the fall, you must: (1) earn a minimum 2.5 GPA for all courses taken during ECU summer school sessions (Summer I, Summer II and/or 11-week session) or (2) raise your cumulative GPA to a minimum of 2.0 as a result of courses taken during ECU summer school sessions (Summer I, Summer II and/or 11-week session).
If my spring term grades result in a suspension for fall, can I attend summer school elsewhere (other than ECU) to become eligible to return to ECU in the fall?
No. You must attend summer school at ECU and earn a 2.5 average GPA on all courses taken during summer school.
If I am suspended from ECU, but would like to take summer courses at ECU, do I have to reapply for readmission?
If you are suspended after a spring term, you may enroll in the following summer terms without completing a readmission application. If you are suspended after a fall or summer term, you must complete a readmission application and be readmitted to attend a summer term.

While serving my suspension, may I enroll in courses at another institution?
During the time you are suspended, you may attend a regionally accredited institution and transfer credits back to ECU. If you attend another university during suspension, you must have a 2.0 GPA on all transferable credit to be eligible to apply for re-admission to ECU. Credit will be awarded for all transferable courses for which a grade of C- (1.7) or better was earned.
Do I have to reapply to ECU to return after suspension?
Yes. You must reapply for readmission after serving a suspension.

What is my academic status once I return from suspension?
When you are readmitted after serving your suspension, you are placed on “probation” and are expected to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 OR earn a minimum 2.5 term GPA to avoid a second suspension.
How can I appeal a suspension?
If you wish to appeal your suspension, you must appeal in writing to the Student Academic Appellate Committee (SAAC). The SAAC normally will not approve an appeal unless it is based on a personal, medical, or psychological reason of an extreme nature that was unforeseeable and uncontrollable and you provide evidence that the situation has been remedied. The written appeal must follow the procedure outlined in the Appeal Resource Guide.

Completed appeal packets must be received in the Office of the Registrar by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline published on the Registrar’s website. The decision of the SAAC is final.
If I am on academic warning or probation, may I enroll in summer courses at ECU?
Yes; however, students attending one or more summer terms will be held to the same academic standards as during a fall and spring term. Summer academic terms (summer I, summer II and the 11-week term) are considered one academic term when calculating a student’s academic standing at the conclusion of the summer terms. For example, a student on academic probation prior to attending one or more summer terms who does not earn at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (or GPA of 2.5 over all summer terms) will be suspended for the fall term.