Grade Appeal Policy and Process

The goal of this grade appeal policy is to establish a clear, fair process by which students can contest a course grade that they believe has been awarded in a manner inconsistent with university policies or that has resulted from calculation errors on the part of the instructor. Recognizing, however, that the evaluation of student performance is based upon the professional judgment of instructors, and notwithstanding the exceptions noted at the end of this policy, appeals will not be considered unless based upon one or more of the following factors:

  • An error was made in grade computation.
  • Standards different from those established in written department, school, college, or university policies, if specific policies exist, were used in assigning the grade.
  • The instructor departed substantially from his or her previously articulated, written standards, without notifying students, in determining the grade.
  • Grade assigned was arbitrary or capricious based on the information in the record.

Only the final course grade may be appealed. The grade assigned by the instructor is assumed to be correct and the student appealing the grade must justify the need for a change of the grade assigned.