Course Drops/Withdrawal Policy
Undergraduate Student Course Withdrawal Allotment
Students may withdraw from up to 16 semester hours during their undergraduate career. Students may use these withdrawals between the end of the course adjustment period and the deadline to withdraw from term-length courses without a grade, which is 60% of regularly scheduled class meetings, exclusive of final exams. Students may refer to ECU’s academic calendar for specific dates. Graduate students do not have an allotment. However, eligibility for graduate assistantships and tuition remissions will be affected by course or term withdrawals. Graduate students must contact their Graduate Program Director to discuss course or term withdrawals.
During Course Adjustment Period
The course adjustment period is limited to the first five days of classes of the fall and spring semesters. During the summer, the course adjustment period is limited to the first two days of classes each summer term.

Course drops during this period do not count against a student’s course withdrawal allotment of 16 semester hours. Courses dropped during the course adjustment period do not impact attempted hours and will not appear on a student’s official transcript.
After Course Adjustment Period
Students are expected to complete all the courses for which they are registered at the close of the course adjustment period. The consequences of withdrawing from a course or term may affect the following:
- On campus housing
- Financial Aid/Scholarships
- Degree Progression/Graduation
- Full-time enrollment status
- Billing
- Health Insurance/Student Blue
- Veteran Benefits
- Graduate Assistantships and Tuition Remission
During the first 60 percent of the regularly scheduled class meetings (exclusive of final exams), a student may withdraw from the course after consultation with their advisor. A student can then proceed with withdrawing from a course using the Registration and Planning application in PiratePort. Instructions for how to withdraw from a course are listed below along with a guide to help trouble shoot errors students may experience.
- How to withdraw from a course for undergraduate students (PDF)
- How to withdraw from a course for graduate students (PDF)
- Experiencing errors with the course withdrawal
All Students
It is to the financial advantage of students withdrawing, dropping to part-time status, or dropping to a lower block of credit hours to do so as early as possible in the term. Refunds for tuition and fees (excluding room and board charges that are determined by contractual agreement) will be considered during the twenty (20) class day refund period in fall and spring and the five (5) day refund period during summer. No refunds will be considered after the published “last day for partial refund”. For graduate students, eligibility for graduate assistantships and tuition remissions will be affected by course or term withdrawals. Graduate students must contact their Graduate Program Director to discuss course or term withdrawals.
*NOTE: The same 60 percent withdrawal period rule also applies to block courses of other lengths.

Term Withdrawal
Students desiring to withdraw from an academic term should meet with an academic advisor to review consequences and policies. Graduate Students should meet with their Graduate Program Director to review consequences and policies. The full policy can be found in the Graduate Catalog.

Withdrawal Requests Made Within 60% of the Academic Term
During the first 60 percent of regularly scheduled class meetings (exclusive of final exams), a student may withdraw from the university without receiving grades for courses in which he/she is enrolled.
Withdrawal Requests Made Beyond 60% of the Academic Term
After 60 percent of regularly scheduled class meetings (exclusive of final exams), a student withdrawing from the university shall receive no credit for the courses in which he/she is passing at the time of withdrawal. A student will receive a grade of F for all courses in which he/she is failing at the time of withdrawal.
Please Note: A term withdrawal is not charged to a student’s Course Withdrawal allotment of 16 semester hours. Graduate students do not have a withdrawal allotment.
Extenuating Circumstances
Extenuating circumstances can warrant consideration for withdrawal by exception. Students may petition the Dean of Students for course withdrawals by exception. Petitions for course withdrawal after the 60 percent withdrawal period deadline will typically be granted only for unforeseen and uncontrollable medical, psychological, or personal reasons directly affecting the course(s). The following are not considered a sufficient basis for exception: poor performance in course work, missed deadlines, change of major, a course grade’s adverse effect on the student’s grade point average, probationary standing, or other eligibility. The Dean of Students cannot accept requests after the last regularly scheduled class meeting prior to the final examination for the course(s) in question. Students whose request is received after the last class meeting or whose request is denied by the Dean of Students may appeal to the Student Academic Appellate Committee (SAAC). The decision of the Student Academic Appellate Committee is final.
Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal FAQs
What is a withdrawal?
Students may withdraw from a course/courses (course withdrawal) or all courses in a term (term withdrawal). A “W” will appear next to the withdrawn course(s) on the student’s transcript.
To whom does this policy apply?
The policy applies to all undergraduate students.
What is the difference between a drop and a withdrawal?
A drop occurs when you remove yourself from a course before or during the course adjustment period which is the first five days in the fall/spring terms. There are no academic consequences from this action, but there may be financial aid repercussions for this drop if you no longer meet aid qualifications.
A withdrawal from a course occurs when you remove yourself from a course after the course adjustment period has concluded. There will be financial repercussions for this withdrawal based on the refund schedule. The academic consequences from this action include receiving a “W” for the course, which will appear on any unofficial or official transcripts. A grade of “W” will not impact your GPA, but does not count as completed credit toward your degree which has implications for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
How many times can I withdraw from a course or term?
Course: Each incoming student (freshmen and transfer) receives a 16-semester hour allotment to use for course withdrawals. This allotment is for course withdrawals only and is a separate “bank” from a term withdrawal. Graduate students do not have an allotment.
Term: There is an unlimited time that a student may withdraw from a term.
Are dropped courses used during the Course Adjustment Period included within the 16-semester hour allotment?
No, courses that are dropped during the Course Adjustment Period are not considered withdrawals and are not covered by this rule.
What is the total number of semester hours allowed for course withdrawals?
The new limit is sixteen (16) semester hours. Prior to fall 2015, the course withdrawals were limited to four courses. All students will begin with the 16-semester hour bank regardless of how many course withdrawals were used prior to fall 2015. Graduate students do not have an allotment.
I am a transfer student. Are my course withdrawals prorated?
All students, regardless of when they enter ECU, start with a 16-semester hour course withdrawal bank from which to withdraw.
What should I do if my instructor recommends I withdraw from a course?
Talk with your instructor. Your instructor can inform you about your progress in the course based on the grading criteria stated in the syllabus and your participation and grades earned to date. Your instructor may also be able to explore opportunities that may allow you to successfully complete the course in accordance with University guidelines and policies.
Who should I contact FIRST if I am thinking of withdrawing?
If you are considering withdrawing from a course, discuss this first with your instructor and then contact your academic advisor or graduate program director, if a graduate student. Your advisor can help you understand the consequences of withdrawing from a course and the impact on your graduation goal. The advisor can help you strategize the best options, which will likely include speaking with your instructor.
How do I process a withdrawal?
The process for withdrawing is based on timing. If you are withdrawing from a course or term
- How to withdraw from a course for undergraduate students (PDF)
- How to withdraw from a course for graduate students (PDF)
- Experiencing errors with the course withdrawal
- You can withdraw from a course using the Registration and Planning application in PiratePort. Please click on the links below for instructions on how to withdraw from a course. To withdraw from the term, submit a term withdrawal request form.
- After 60% of the term: Extenuating circumstances can warrant consideration for withdrawal beyond the withdrawal periods. Students may petition the Dean of Students for course withdrawals by exception. Petitions for withdrawals after the deadline will typically be granted only for unforeseen and uncontrollable medical, psychological, or personal reasons directly affecting the course(s). Poor performance in course work; missed deadlines; change of major; or a course grade’s adverse effect on the student’s grade point average, probationary standing, or other eligibility is not in of itself a sufficient basis for exception. The Dean of Students will not accept requests after the last regularly scheduled class meeting prior to the final examination for the course(s) in question except where earlier requests could not have been foreseen. Students whose petitions for withdrawals are denied by the Dean of Students may appeal the decision to the Student Academic Appellate Committee (SAAC). The decision of the Student Academic Appellate Committee is final.
If I am readmitted under Readmission under Forgiveness policies, does my withdraw limit record continue from where I left off, or is it reset?
The withdrawal is not reset if you are admitted under forgiveness. You will continue with the same allotment from when you left the university.
If I must discontinue a course, having surpassed the withdrawal limit, and receive a D or F in the course, can I apply for grade replacement?
The grade replacement policy will continue to apply as currently stated. There is no grade replacement for graduate students.
If I withdraw from a course twice, does it count double towards the W-limit hours?
Yes, each time you withdraw from a course, the number of semester hours will be deducted from the 16 W-limit hours that you are allowed.
What happens when I have reached my withdrawal limit, but need to withdraw anyway?
Unless you have an extenuating cause that prevents you from continuing in the course, you can expect to receive whatever grade is due in the course at the end of the semester. You will also be responsible to pay 100% of the assessed tuition and fee charges. Please consider the following two examples:
- A student has already received W grades for 14 semester hours and thus has only 2 W-limit hours left. The student may not withdraw from a 3-semester hour course, but could withdraw from a 1- or 2 semester hour course.
Why is the policy on withdrawing from courses changing?
In January 2013, the University of North Carolina (UNC) General Administration transmitted a system-wide policy to all campuses within the UNC system; one aspect of the regulations relates specifically to a cap on withdrawals (W’s) permitted to students.