Registration & Planning

What do you want to do?

Prepare for Registration

Plan Ahead

View Schedule Details

Add/Drop Classes

Browse Class Sections

Browse Course Catalog

How to browse the course catalog (PDF)

Withdrawal Information

How to view your withdrawal information (PDF)

Steps to Register

1. Create a Degree Works Plan of Study

Develop a Degree Works plan of study and have it approved by your Academic Advisor. Your plan will aid in registration and provide you with a road map for your degree completion.

Click here for more information on developing your degree work plan of study.

2. Meet with your advisor and get your Registration PIN

Each semester you will receive a new Registration PIN to register for classes. You must meet with your advisor to obtain your registration PIN. Your advisor will add your registration pin to your Degree Works plan of study.

Graduates and non-degree students do not require a registration PIN to register.

3. Build a Schedule using Plan Ahead and/or Schedule Planner

The Schedule Planner is a great tool that assists in finding the classes you need in a way that fits your life. After you are done creating the perfect schedule you can ‘Send to Cart’ and save for when you are ready to register. You can access Schedule Planner from the Student Self Service app in PiratePort.

4. Prepare for Registration and Verify Holds

5. Register for Courses

Currently enrolled students may use Registration & Planning through Pirate Port to register for courses.

How do class wait lists work?

Your schedule should contain no more than 18 hours of primary courses and a list of alternate courses. (each summer session cannot exceed seven hours of courses). To register for more than 18 s.h.

Please email to get approval.

All special permissions (e.g., extra hours, majors only courses, Dean/Chairperson’s permissions, etc.) for course registration must be secured in writing or via ECU e-mail and may only be entered by the Office of the Registrar or the Academic Department.

Registration Add Error Messages

If you receive an error message while registering, click here to learn what it means and what your options are for responding to it and registering.